Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a Cartoon Life

Just in case you ever wanted to go and help A-ha lead singer Morten Harket break out of the cartoon barriers of "Take on Me"... now you can, in Paper World:


Crap At Your Parents' House showcases all the weird shit that your parents own that you used to think were normal when you were a kid.

Like this...dude...who appears to be holding pebbles as inspiration for what you are about to do.

Sex Toys Are Still Illegal in Two States, And...

...Apparently 48% of English men fall asleep during sex. And you thought your love life was boring.

Medical Coding
[Via: Medical Coding]


Staten Island Gurls

So maybe New Yorkers aren't as sunny as Californians, but their equivalent of valley girls are hell of a lot funnier.

Warning: Addictive Game Ahead

Click here to play around with the four basic elements, and create everything from humans to airplanes...if you get that far. There are 115 elements to create!

Hint: You can create things like vampires, too. Click on the light bulb icon for help.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Twilight Underpants

So that girls can finally fulfill their dreams of creaming all over Edward Cullen.

Sorry, no pictures. I think that is for the best.

Eww - source.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Funny Post of the Week

Here's a dramatic reading of a badly spelled and grammatically incorrect break-up letter. Enjoy. (Audio starts up by itself)

That's right, "you make me touch your hands for stupid reasons" is part of the letter.

Funny Comic Geeks Stand Up To Hateful Church

The Westboro Baptist Church, known to picket funerals because they are the biggest assholes on the planet, met their match at Comic-Con, which they stupidly decided to attend and picket.

Comic-Con fans...activate funny anti-hate posters:

From ONTD: "Unbeknownst to the dastardly fanatics of the Westboro Baptist Church, the good folks of San Diego's Comic-Con were prepared for their arrival with their own special brand of superhuman counter protesting chanting "WHAT DO WE WANT" "GAY SEX" "WHEN DO WE WANT IT" "NOW!" while brandishing ironic (and some sincere) signs."

More here.

And Now, A Stone Age Dildo

The archaeologists who found it warn that it might just look like a penis to us, and was actually just a "carving tool" for the people who made it. Do you need a mushroom head to carve stuff or do I just not know my tools?


Thursday, July 22, 2010

The IKEA Of Homes

You think trying to put together a MALM dresser is hard without the right amount of screws - this guy wants you to build your own house.

(Scenery most definitely not included)
Take a tour of another tiny house here.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Your Significant Other Hates You, Too

Your Dog Hates You

Buddy Bear is pretty cool with being left alone, and his separation anxiety is limited to sad squealing when we close the door behind us.

The owners of these punks, however, suffer greatly:

More disasters here.

The Perils of Internet Shopping

Dude orders a "UPS" (I am told this stands for Uninterruptable Power Supply).
Dude gets a brick in the mail.
To be fair, he probably didn't specify what he wanted on the inside.

And the moral of the story is...

Your iPhone 4 is just not cutting it with the big boys.

(click on photo to enlarge/for Doghouse Diaries source)

Meanwhile, in Japan...

Japan is a technologically advanced country with no use for your silly spaceships. These guys know what's up:They're sending a mirrorball to Mercury.

"Scheduled to launch in 2014, it'll be bringing more joy to fans of photos of gray craters."

Friday, July 16, 2010

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Foods


Make sure to go to the above link to see these in action (above corn still-photo only).

The Funniest Thing You'll Read Today...

...Unless you're really into cheesy statements about love and sex liberally peppered with references to God (and not the "Oh, God! Yes" kind).

What the 50s Were Supposed to be Like

The level of disappointment of what actually happened (or didn't happen) in the 50s rivals that of the whole flying-car-anticipation (which, by the way, is in the process of coming to fruition).

(Click to enlarge/for source)

So maybe we're due for the multiple-level traffic thing. How would you like to take the elevator to work with a bunch of punk-ass high school kids, though?

A Different Take on A Classic

What if Cameron in Ferris Bueller's Day Off was like Edward Norton's character in Fight Club? What if...Ferris Bueller was a figment of Cameron's imagination?

Here's a trailer for THAT movie:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maslow Lives!

Gives Take On Internet Needs:

(Click to enlarge/for source)

Pretty New York Pictures From Above

A lot, lot, lot more here.

Interspecies Love

Cassette Tape Art

You know how you can't even doodle a picture of a stick figure? These guys can take your old cassette tapes and make them look like celebrities.

More here.

Google Maps Finds Time Travel Wormhole

Click here to stare into the past.

Turtle: Let's Be Friends!


Who Wants To Take A Ride?


Monday, July 12, 2010

When the City Doesn't Fix Those Potholes...

...put some flowers in it.

I like the idea of everyday citizens implementing a creative idea as a solution to a city problem. No bureaucracy required.

Nerd Umbrella

For the modern man that wants to make a statement ("I collect Star Wars dolls")

Pilot Pranks

The "Best Pranks Played by Pilots on Their Passengers" from the source.

My favorite:

"What do you do when you’re flying a 747 and have to take a leak? Well, if you lack imagination, you just put the plane on autopilot. Otherwise, you can do what one pilot on a prop plane in Scotland reportedly did: Back slowly out of the cockpit unraveling a ball of string with each hand and ask the nearest passengers to hold the strings—tightly, please—while you use the lavatory. Then come back, take the strings off their hands, and terrify everyone by shrugging and dropping them. Do put the plane on autopilot first, though."

Terrorists have probably ruined pilot pranks, too. If we can't scare the shit out of passengers, what kind of freedom do we *really* have, as Americans?

There's White-Out on a Computer Screen Somewhere...


Quite frankly, I think his rash was from an egg allergy and the poor kid was trying to explain it to his friends.

You're Not The Only One

Kinky Elephant

Possible scenarios:
1. "Oh dude, sorry...I think that hamster is long gone."
2. The one on the right just screened The Human Centipede
3. What the lady on the right lacks in private parts, she makes up for with her trunk.

Crazy Parent of the Day

Canwich: You've Gone Too Far

First of all, I'm still unclear on whether there is an actual sandwich in there, or if it's a liquid that tastes like the sandwich. I mean, I've seen Chicken Dinner-flavored British chips ("crisps"), so it would be hypocritical to mock sandwich-flavored soda, but if this is indeed an actual sandwich in a can, then my mind is made up: that's stupid.

And We're Back...

(Click on photo for source)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July

In honor of the holiday, here's an LA Weekly article about grilling Italian sausages:

Dedicated to Rocco.

Stoner Cuisine: The Five Tastiest Pot Confections

From SF Weekly:

At #1: Chocolate caramel pot krispy

Eat this, get high, want more, eat some more, get more high... this road leads to an evening of sitting on the couch talking in circles and hanging on to your loved one for dear life. I may be speaking from experience.

Curious Bus Stop Images: Japan Edition

Okay, so if you were standing next to that, it might seem a little creepy. But if you think about it, we have Superman and Batman running all over town (well, technically no longer), so who are we to say the Japanese are weird? Except for that whole body pillow love thing.